Saint Agatha School is a Christian Catholic community providing excellence in education. Together, our members strive to maintain a safe, positive learning environment. Through worship and service, we see Jesus in every member of our community. We do our best to help everyone in our school feel capable, connected, and contributing. Because we are two or more gathered in His Name, we believe that Christ is in our midst at Saint Agatha School. In His Love, do all that we can to excel in education and to celebrate Christian values. To fulfill this mission, we promise to do what Jesus would do each day, in every way. And so, create a school climate filled with the Gospel spirit.
The mission of Saint Agatha School is to "Teach as Jesus Did"(Pastoral Message of the Bishops of U.S. Catholic Conference, 1972). We believe that Christ is the model on whom Christian life is shaped. We strive to generate a community climate that is permeated by the Gospel spirit of freedom and love.
Catholic Christian principles are integrated in the teaching of all academic subjects. Faith formation, social awareness, and responsible decision-making are essential elements in the education of each child. Enrichment programs and service projects broaden the student's perspectives and prepare them for their contribution to society in the future.
Because Saint Agatha School is a Christian, Catholic Community with "Excellence in Education" as our goal, I will: